All school year we have been working on capital letter recognition with your child. Each week we have concentrated on a letter and all our centers relate to that letter.

In order to help your child with this skill there are a few things that you can do at home to help them.

Fun and Games
1. Identify letters while driving in the car
2. Use tape and spell your child's name on the table and have them trace their name while spelling it.
3. Write letters on note cards and hide those cards around the house and ask your child to go on a "letter hunt".
4. Use magnetic letters and spell out your child's name on the refrigerator or use a cookie sheet.
5. Look for favorite letters in a bed time story.

Just remember that most children love playing games, and if you can turn anything into a game they will enjoy learning.

Here are some fun websites to help:




Enjoy :)

- Ms. Campbell

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    This blog is to help the parents in my classroom.


    May 2012

